Nexus Motion began with the passion for sharing physical therapy knowledge. It may come in the form of physical therapy courses, translating languages (currently Japanese & English), interpreting courses (currently Japanese & English), or consultation for musculoskeletal pain. NEXUS means connection, core, network, union, center, and link. In this technological generation, the world is getting smaller. Nexus Motion strives to connect movement professionals from all around the world.
The X portion of Nexus is designed after the internal and external oblique muscles, which are some of the key muscles in the trunk to add stability in the center of our body (when used correctly!). The color scheme represents my Japanese heritage as well as my current residence, United States. The desire to bridge the experiences in the United States as well as other parts of the world, and the motivation for becoming the hub of information amongst movement system specialists to share our experiences are what inspired me to create this logo.
Education, translation, and consultation services designed to connect movement system professionals all around the world.
Instill the joy of learning the human movement system in the young and the seasoned physical therapists’ minds, so we may become lifelong practitioners to optimize the quality of human life. Assisting in the training of important movement professionals such as physical therapists would create better “movements” within the society from the cellular level all the way up to the social level.
Maiko is from Osaka, Japan. She went to Doshisha International High School, and received a bachelor’s degree in Biology from Grinnell College in Iowa. She received a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Washington University in St. Louis.
Since graduating from Wash U PT program, she has been working as a staff physical therapist at CPRx Inc, a private outpatient orthopedic clinic in Los Alamitos, California. Maiko utilizes Movement System Impairment Syndromes as her basis of treatments, and works with pre-teens to patients in their 90’s.
Maiko was the interpreter for Dr. Shirley Sahrmann during her initial visit to Japan in 2008 at Himeji Dokkyo University. Currently, Maiko is a regional mentor for the Movement System Clinical Fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis. She was one of the translators for the textbook “Movement System Impairment Syndromes of the Extremities, Cervical and Thoracic Spines.” She is an interpreter for Robbie Ohashi, known for his work with high level athletes. She is also an advisor to Kinetikos, an excellent online resource for Japanese movement professionals. She teaches locally in Southern California, as well as numerous cities in Japan.
大阪府出身、同志社国際高等学校を卒業後、アイオワ州グリネル・カレッジへ留学。生物学の学士号を取得後、ミズーリ州セントルイスの ワシントン大学大学院で理学療法を専攻。臨床博士号を取得。
現在に至るまで、南カリフォルニアのロング・ビーチ近郊にある CPRx Inc. (理学療法士が開業している整形クリニック)に勤務。 Movement System Impairment Syndromes (運動系機能障害症候群)の概念をもとに10代から高齢者の方まで患者のケアを行なっている。
2008年に姫路獨協大学で開催された Shirley Sahrmann 教授の“運動機 能障害症候群の診断と治療”の通訳を行い、現在はワシントン大学の “運動機能障害症候群の診断とマネジメント”のクリニカル・フェ ローシップの教師としてつとめている。2013年発行の続運動機能障害 症候群のマネジメントの訳出者でもある。日本やアメリカのアスリート達のサポートとパフォーマンス向上で注目されているロビー・オオハシ先生の通訳としてPerformance In Motionの講習会にも貢献している。Kinetikosのアドバイザーでもある。南カリフォルニアや日本で講習会を行っている。
Nexus Motion, P.O. Box 4267, Torrance CA 90510
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